Covid-19 Updates

  • International Shipping Service Updates

    As an update to the previous post below, the USPS has announced that, effective July 10, 2020, it will resume acceptance of mail destined to the following countries: Bahamas Bangladesh Egypt Guatemala India Kuwait Oman  Philippines Senegal Thailand UAE *********************************** Thursday, 7/2/20 As an update to the previous posts below, the USPS has announced that, effective July 2, 2020, it will resume acceptance of mail destined to the following countries: Algeria Egypt Kazakhstan Morocco Qatar Tunisia *********************************** Thursday, 6/25/20 As an update to the previous posts below, the USPS has announced that, effective June 26, 2020,...

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  • Covid-19 Safety Measures

    We’re taking guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which recommends regular cleaning as one of the most important preventative measures we can take. In addition we have implemented the following safety measures: Health screening for employees Face coverings and gloves for employees Enhanced sanitizing and disinfection Social distancing protocols   We appreciate you choosing us over here at for all your vitamins and supplements need. Due to the unfortunate circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus, there have been an increasing number of updates and changes, as...

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